Go to the Original Url above.
You’ll need pushprinterconnections.exe for XP machines which is available by downloading pmcmgmt.exe from Windows Server 2003 R2 Administration Tools Pack (x86) Windows Server 2003 R2 Administration Tools Pack (x64)
Extract pushprinterconnections.exe from pmcmgmt.exe.
Create a new Group Policy called SCS – Printers.
To deploy printers by Computer do the following (tested)…
Edit the policy and navigate to Computer Configuration -> Polices -> Windows Settings -> Scripts (Startup / Shutdown)
Double click on Startup, click Show Files and copy your extracted pushprinterconnections.exe to the location that directory that pops up.
Click Add, click pushprinterconnections.exe and press Ok.
To deploy printers by User do the following (untested, but thought to work)…
Edit the policy and navigate to User Configuration -> Polices -> Windows Settings -> Scripts (Logon/ Logoff)
Double click on Logon, click Show Files and copy your extracted pushprinterconnections.exe to the location that directory that pops up.
Click Add, click pushprinterconnections.exe and press Ok.