Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: Your message can’t be delivered because delivery to this address is restricted.

By | July 30, 2011

If you receive a bounce message with the following message when sending an email to a distribution list.

Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
Your message can’t be delivered because delivery to this address is restricted.

Within Exchange Management Console navigate to Microsoft Exchange -> Microsoft Exchange on-Premises -> Recipient Configuration -> Distribution Lists

  1. Click the Distribution Group name as you want to set
  2. Click the “Properties”
  3. Click the “Mail Flow Settings” Tab
  4. Click the “Message Delivery Restrictions” item
  5. Click the “Properties…” button
  6. Uncheck the “Require that all senders are authenticated” item
  7. Click “OK” button
  8. Click “OK” button again